Day 18 pair programming strikes again!

Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 12.55.49 AM.png

It may not look like much but getting this image onto the app today after a pair programming sesh with Matt today was quite brutal.

I really enjoyed pair programming I think it is a really great way to improve as a programmer. It was really cool.

Something crazy happened when I forked the project, the last commit was not there. So I spend quite a long time just getting everything as it should be, but it was some a great learning experience!

Day 17 HTML and CSS adventures

image of rock, paper, scissors game

A screenshot always says a thousand words or I think that is how the saying goes. I have made my enjoyable project yet. You can see it here.

Today, was cool learning from Wojtech about how make HTML accessible for everyone and for search engines. I am quite familiar with XML so I hope this will be quite a reasonable thing for me to learn.

Day 15/16 A break/the web unleashed

I managed not to write anything on Friday, which is sad but we all need a break. Zuzana was visiting this weekend, which was really cool. We went to Stirling, Crammond Island and it was a nice break.

I woke up early today and built a CRUD model for a cinema using SQL and Ruby. It was really satisfying to create the whole database and I cannot wait to start web interfaces.

The coolest productivity tip I have for today is the unix command. We often get files sent to us on Slack and the following sends the unzipped file to your current directory ready to use. Pretty neat I think!

unzip ~/Downloads/ -d .

Edit: Just had my best day ever! I really loved seeing how what we have been learning applies to the web!

Day 13 One to many.

We made our ERD diagrams for homework. These are diagrams that represent how entities and relationships with databases work.

I have been doing a little bit of Learn Ruby the Hard way revising loops and looking at SQL more in depth. I am trying to memorize syntax and such using the flash card program Anki. I take all important notes in Anki and otherwise make comments in my projects explaining how they work.

Day 12 Golang day

Well actually today was about making CRUD apps.

However, I ended up going to the Golang meet, which was really cool. I set up Go on my machine and built my first program. Just for fun!

Day 11 SQL

SQL it is SQLly good.

I joined today I made use of my terminal ITERM2, which I summoned and dismissed with my own shortcut CMD-ALT-T. It just disappears when you are not using it.

SQL is a very shouty language. It uses all caps a lot!

Day 10 – creating a karaoke bar.

Another week done. A lot learning unlocked. I was happy to be able to understand classes well enough to build a simple app that could model a karaoke bar! SQL next week. I can’t wait to integrate databases with Ruby.

Day 9 – Breakthrough!

Things have started making sense. I have one interview tomorrow. Maybe two. Both in technical writing but both on working on more like developer technical writing.

Today was filled with interesting things like classes and inheritance in Ruby.

Day 8. A full of day of pair programming.

Wow, pair programming is demanding but is really helpful.

Made the game snakes and ladders today with Matt.

The game was able to do the following things. It could work out which player was having their turn and hand out turns in an alternating fashion. The players could move by dice roll and when a player met the winning condition that the winning condition was returned. There snakes and ladders are stored in hashes. Two classes were utilized: player and game.

So what is pair programming?

Pair programming is basically getting two people and taking it in turns to drive or navigate.

Driving is writing the code and navigating is commenting on the code. It really made me think about different approaches and ways of solving things.